(Lima) Beans and Delhi Cha(a)t

Friday, June 09, 2006

Pass the dip!

Well, the date has come. Sports fans (particularly soccer fans) know what I'm talking about. Yup, it's the World Cup. I'm personally a wrestling guy myself (as Sury can testify with an eye-roll or two, lol) but I'm sure there are many among our blogger friends who are really excited about it.

So in the spirit of this big occassion, how about something you can enjoy while sitting in front of your TV. That's right, people. Take out the chips. The dip is on us tonight.

The key word is: avocados. Most of us know them, but then, many do not. A while back I spend and nice chat with Sury talking about this vegetable which for a number of reasons she had not had the chance to taste. Avocados (we call them palta in Peru) are green egg-shaped vegetables. The skin is hard and rough but extremely easy to peel if ripe. Actually you can take the whole skin of one half with one pull. It is soft inside with a very big circular pit in the center, which also comes off really easily. You can eat avocados in salad or you can make a paste with it for a number of preparations.

Which is exactly what we are going to do.

You guessed it. We're about to make guacamole.

So, separate a few minutes before the game. Pick one avocado, cut it in half, remove the skin and pit. Then, in a bowl, squash the avocado halves with a spoon or fork. Keep squashing and stirring until you end up with a uniform paste.


Next, chop up some red peppers, aji, onions, cilantro and add to the mix. Also mix some salt, garlic powder, pepper a dash of sugar and some seasoning powder. Finally squeeze one or two halves of lemon.


Stir everything together until it's all nicely blended.

That's it! And you are in time for the National Anthems.

Enjoy the dip, enjoy the game ;)


8 comment(s):

Sounds absolutely yummy. This is pretty much how I make it, except I always put a bit of ancho chile powder for a little extra kick.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:23 PM  

Hey Kaylin,

Sounds yum indeed. Nice touch ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:55 PM  

Hi Sury,
Nice and healthy recipe.Thanks for sharing.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:11 AM  

Cesar, Can this be used as a dip for garlic bread also? I am seaching for a dip from many days with no success at all :(.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:38 AM  

Hi Shilpa! Mmmm, to tell the truth I've never tried it... I guess you could give it a shot. Guacamole goes good with many things. If you do try it, let me know how it went. :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:22 AM  

Hi Vineela,

Glad you like it. The recipe was Cesar's, not mine, though. See the signature ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:34 AM  

Got this comment from Sumitha Shibu. Sumitha, you forgot to mention your blog/website address I guess, and Blogger won't let me publish your comment without that.

I didnt quite understand what aji,an ingredient mentioned is? Is it ajinomoto???
Sumitha Shibu

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:40 PM  

Hi Sumitha,

Aji is a sort of pepper. You can find more about it here: http://limadelhi.blogspot.com/2005/12/peruvian-rice-and-chicken.html

Ajinomoto is a sort of seasoning.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:24 AM  

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